Kina SATO is an emerging contemporary Japanese artist who specialises in research on bounds of traditional Japanese art technics and contemporary approach.
Kina's work is influenced by mural decorations found around the world from the Ice Age to the Kofun period. The transmission of unspoken (wordless) messages was an instinctive behavior inherent to humans and an important communication tool for living in groups.
“When we humans feel insecure or lose faith in something, when we can no longer trust someone (or something), what we believe is left largely to our own values. Words can play tricks on people. We live in an age where we are being asked what and how we should believe." Kina talks about this role as "painting a picture" when creating her work.
Animal proteins, minerals, and soot were used in mural decoration from the Ice Age to the Kofun period. kina's works are produced using a method called "casein tempera painting," which uses casein protein to reproduce the same painting method, if at all. It is easier to handle than the glue used in Japanese painting, and its strength after the paint has dried is similar to that of acrylic paintings. It is also interesting to note that the casein method fell into disuse in painting after the Middle Ages.
Currently, I am studying shamanism in primitive and ancient times at a university again, and I am also exploring the casein tempera method of painting.

Zoia Skoropadenko + Kina Sato "Sakura" Tokyo Art Beat March-April 2023 Online
About Sakura 8/07/Creative lounge MOV March- April 2023 Online
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