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| Exhibition

10-14 November 2022

Galerie L'Aleatoire

29 rue de Bievre

PARIS 75005



Notre Dame de Paris. The symbol  of Paris, the most recognizable historic monument in the world and the biggest reconstruction of our time. 


Since the Great Fire of 2019, the Cathedral is constantly on reconstruction. Today even more. The teams of architects, woodworkers, builders and restorers are working 24/7. This year French cinematic company released the movie “Notre Dame Brule” about the disaster of the 2019. Media still showing apocalyptical photos and videos of cathedral.


So The Meloy Art and Circle of Zoia decided to create a very special exhibition not about tragedy but about love.


Our great LOVE to NOTRE DAME.

Zoia Skoropadenko

Since 20 April 2019 (first day after fire) artist Zoia Skoropadenko came to Paris where she has one of her art studio, and as an only artist who had a right to enter the island, she used this time and privilege to go around still steaming and smoked cathedral and do sketches under the ashes falling from sky. That is why her first sketches are muddy. 

Skoropadenko  is still working on my series “Notre Dame Brule”. Each time she comes to Paris, she records the development of re-construction by sketching and painting.


"With LOVE to NOTRE DAME" exhibition features also Monegasque artists Eva Dmitrenko with her series of Iris flowers. Notre Dame is dedicated to the Virgin Marie. Iris is on of the symbols of the Virgin Marie. As well as British artist from Monaco Clem Chambers with his pop-art Notre Dame digital art pieces.


Also at exhibition was shown ancient 2D stereoscopic photography on glass by unknown photographer who visited Notre Dame in early 1920s. Visitors of the exhibition had a chance to enjoy the details of the cathedral and the views of Paris from these unique photos. 


Exhibition also presented works from the past by American artist Frank Boggs who worked in Paris in late 19 beggining of 20 century. And dark painting of Notre Dame by French artist Marcel Baron from 1926


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